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The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) held a discussion with political parties on the registration process and technical activities

The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) held a media briefing with political parties on the registration process and technical work of the 6th National Election on March 02, 2021. The meeting was attended by the Chairwoman of the Board and presented various findings from the registration process.

Complaints and solutions submitted so far have been presented in detail by the Board Chairwoman. She said there were complaints from various political parties against the government, and that it was necessary to give instructions to the ruling party. She added that the ruling party should break with old habits and underlining the need for giving the ruling party a reminder. She also reminded the political parties that if they report any problem to the board on time, the Board will be able to respond in a timely manner. Furthermore, she also noted that, in addition to the call center set up by the board, the parties can file a complaint in a way that is easier for them and the board is ready to respond immediately. Furthermore, the participating political parties that shared the idea of the chairman of the board thanked the areas where they found a solution. She also highlighted the areas of high concern, the issues encountered during the registration process, and the issues that need to be addressed, as well as the circumstances that make it difficult for election campaigns.

During the forum, the Board's Information Center presented the process of the registration process of candidates. The Board's text messaging system was introduced by a member of the Board's Information Technology Department. The political parties praised the Board's efforts to use modern technology to build a modern system, but noted that it was facing various technical difficulties during its implementation.

The Chairwoman of the Board responded to the matter pointing out that when there is a gap in the use of technology, there is an option to deal with delay the process of importing the information into a digital system by using documentations. In addition to the Chairwoman of the Board, Woubshet Ayele, the Deputy Chairperson noted that there are complaints and responses and that the Board is monitoring and provided further details on the questions raised by the participants. One day before and during the discussion, members of political parties who had been released from prison and whose cases had been dropped by the Board followed up by mentioning their party and their names. Participants' ideas were taken into account in three rounds of appeals against the government. Participants representing the ruling party also responded that the ruling party was working to resolve the grievances raised at the forum.

By preparing various forums starting the time from the announcement of 6th National Election Timetable, it is known that the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) is conducting consultative forums with political parties. And this is the fourth of its kind.

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