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Head, Political Parties Affairs Department

The National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE), re-established by proclamation No. 1133/2011, is the constitutionally mandated body to conduct elections, organize referendum and regulate political parties in Ethiopia. NEBE is working to boost its’ institutional strength with a special focus on enhancement of human resource capacity. Accordingly, NEBE would like to invite applicants for Head, Political Parties Affairs Department position who meet the following requirements.

Information about the Silence period

The Period of Silence is the time in the pre-election cycle and includes the four days before the election, according to the Ethiopian Electoral Cycle Guidelines. There are some responsibilities that stakeholders like political parties and media institutions need to consider during this Period of Silence.

Political Parties

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NEBE study visit in Berlin

The Board of NEBE was invited to Germany by its long-standing partner: the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD). The study visit was in Berlin from the 15th to the 19th of April 2024.

The study visit focused on: Germany's electoral system (legal framework, institutions and management); learning about political party registration, administration/regulation; and getting an understanding of the Berlin State Election Commission's relations with other Governmental organs (Federal Parliament and Regional Parliaments)

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