Question - Why was the electoral system not changed?

Answer: It is known that the type of electoral system is determined by the constitution. Therefore, the system of winning the majority is enshrined in the constitution and cannot be repealed by proclamation, so the electoral system in the constitution is kept as it is. Political parties have called for a change in the electoral system, but it could not be changed with a proclamation until the constitution is amended.

Question: Are political parties registered under the previous law governed by this law?

Answer: The drafted law obliges the election board to formulate guidelines in order to accommodate political parties that were registered under the previous law. Therefore, political parties that were registered before the latest law is issued will be accommodated in and the Board, in consultation with the parties, will formulate a guideline to help them fulfill the criteria

Q: Why is the requirement to collect 10,000 and 4,000 signatures respectively to form national and regional political party is included in the draft law of Political Parties Formation?

Answer: The number of signatures national and regional political parties have to collect is not exaggerated when considering the principles behind. Political parties should have good public base and should have strong ties with it, and they must be representative of the populace.
Although the claim of some parties that it is difficult to collect 10,000 signatures due to the prevailing security problem seems convincing, it is better to remember that when a law is passed, it is not for one year only. The law will be a future abiding document hence it is better to be far-sighted.

Question: Why is it necessary that one of the requirements for candidacy is to collect signatures of supporters for all the candidates?

Answer: It is known that the previous criteria for candidacy were to be determined by lot according to number (12) and there were many complaints because it is restricting. Therefore, the new draft is intended to lift the restrictions and accommodate all parties and individuals who are seeking to run for office. The person who collects the candidate supporters’ signatures in the constituency will introduce himself/herself to the community in the process and will prepare for the election campaign.

Question: In the draft law, why should government employees temporarily quit their jobs when they run for office?

Answer: In order to reduce the use of public resources for political party work, which has been the subject of much controversy in the past, the purpose of distancing government employees from their workplace if they are running for office is to separate political party work from government work. The first draft stated that government employees would temporarily quit their jobs without benefits, but based on input from political parties, it was amended to allow civil servants to use their annual leave for up to two years.

Question: What will the Board be working on after this?

Answer: The National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) is currently working in shifts while implementing social distancing in case of tasks that need to be done collectively and with most of its staff working from home. It will continue to carry out activities that will increase the readiness of the Board's ability to conduct the election properly when the situation returns to normal. Accordingly, it is collecting information on the digital communication of political parties. It also tries to make the communication with the parties as digital as possible.

Question: Did the National Election Board of Ethiopia extend the election according to a statement it issued? What is the main idea of the statement?

Answer: The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia issued a statement on April 2, 2020. The main purpose of the statement is to announce that it will not be able to hold the election on the scheduled date of August 29, 2020. It has conducted a study to reach this decision. The National Election Board of Ethiopia is accountable to the House of Representatives and has informed the House of Representatives of its decision. It did not give an extended election date but that it could not hold the election due to problems beyond its capacity.

Question: Weren’t there any consultations made with political parties concerning COVID- 19 and its implications for the election?

Answer: The Board has consulted with political parties on the impact of COVID-19 on the election in two rounds of consultations, during which political parties made various comments saying they understand its impact on the electoral process as it is an international crisis, especially in a country like Ethiopia. They also called up on the Election Board to work in consultation with the relevant government bodies. In addition to this, they praised the Board for holding the consultation and suggested that the government's 14-day ban should be considered in the decision-making process.

Question: Why did the Board inform the House of Representatives of its decision?

Answer: The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia is accountable to the House of Representatives. It submits performance reports to the House of Representatives and has no choice but to notify the House of Representatives of its decision. In accordance with its responsibilities, the Board did not perform any task outside of its jurisdiction or did not neglect any of its responsibilities within its jurisdiction other than submitting the problem to the House of Representatives and making a research-based decision.

Question: What is the Board’s involvement regarding the requirement that candidates nominated by political parties should collect signatures to be eligible?

Answer: Recognizing that there is a short time for parties to have their candidates registered, and based on the appeal that signatures collection in the time of COVID-19 epidemic is risky, the Board requested the House of Representatives to exempt parties of this task only for the 6th general election. Though some concerned individuals were asking why the board did not take into consideration the current situation of Covid and the signature collection by parties, the deadline for founding members’ signature collection ended before the epidemic reached in Ethiopia.