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Letter from the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia to all regions and city administrations

Below are the letters the National Election Board of Ethiopia wrote to the Regional Governments requesting for a provision of adequate security protection during the distribution of materials for Election Day and cooperation in the provision of the necessary space as well as materials.

The Board also asked the Regional Governments to report in writing about the space they prepared for results management and tabulation after the election.

National Election and Board of Ethiopia

How many candidates can a voter vote for a Regional Council seat?

The number of candidates that a voter can vote for a regional or city council seat varies from one constituency to another constituency. There is only one candidate in some constituencies, three or nine or 14 or even a different number can be found in other constituencies.

The number is determined by the number of seats the constituency has in the Regional Council. Therefore, the number of candidates that a voter can vote on the ballot paper of the Regional Council is written on top of the ballot paper of the Regional Council.

To All Constituency Officer

It is known that you are in the process of giving out accreditation badges to party representatives for the general election to be held on Monday, June 21st. Given the short time available, we recommend that you complete the issuance of badges by tomorrow night, June 20, 2021.

National Election Board of Ethiopia

Operations Department


Information about the Period of Silence

The Period of Silence is the time in the pre-election cycle and includes the four days before the election, according to the Ethiopian Electoral Cycle Guidelines. There are some responsibilities that stakeholders like political parties and media institutions need to consider during this Period of Silence.

Political Parties

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The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) will provide its daily update today, June 15, 2021

The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) will provide its daily update today, June 15, 2021. Therefore, we would like to inform media organizations meeting the following criteria can register at the De Leopol Hotel, next to Bambis Supermarket at 4pm.

• Being a registered media outlet by the Ethiopian Media Authority

• Must wear the board's special reporter’s hanging badge

• Only two professionals (including photo / video experts) from one media can participate.

National Election Board of Ethiopia

Question: Are political parties registered under the previous law governed by this law?

Answer: The drafted law obliges the election board to formulate guidelines in order to accommodate political parties that were registered under the previous law. Therefore, political parties that were registered before the latest law is issued will be accommodated in and the Board, in consultation with the parties, will formulate a guideline to help them fulfill the criteria.