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The National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) passed a decision on the reports submitted regarding the General Assembly of the National Movement of Amhara (NAMA)

Decision made on August 1, 2022

In a letter written on July 18, 2022 no. NAMA 392/02/22, the party has informed the Board that committees have been set up and work has been done to hold a General Assembly among which is the amendment of the bylaw, and according to the opinion given by the Board, it has attached the draft bylaws that have been amended before being approved by the assembly.

The Board held a meeting on August 1, 2022 to examine the document presented by the party in terms of the law and the party's bylaw.

Issues that need to be adjusted in the revised draft bylaw submitted by the party:

1. Article 11.1.25 of the amended bylaw of the party states that the Central Committee can amend the activities listed in chapter two from article nine to article 22 until the next General Assembly. However, among these 14 articles;

  • Under article 10.1, sub-article 10.1.1 regarding the term of the General Assembly and sub-article 10.1.3 regarding the number of members of the General Assembly;
  • Article 10.2 regarding the composition of the members of the General Assembly;
  • Article 10.3 that deals with the powers and functions of the General Assembly;
  • Article 11.1.1 that deals with the accountability and number of members of the Central Committee;
  • Article 12 Sub-Article 12.1.1 Accountability and Number of the National Audit and Regulation Translation Committee, Article 12.1.2 the Regulation Translation Committees it establishes and 12.2.3 regarding issuing its own guidelines on assignment of tasks,
  • Article 12.2 starting from sub-articles 12.2.1 - 12.2.5 regarding the duties and responsibilities of the National Audit and Regulation Translation Committee, the amendment by the Central Committee is contrary to Proclamation no. 1162/2019 and the party's by-laws, so the sub-articles given in detail above shall not be the powers of the Central Committee. Therefore, by taking out the above mentioned, it should be amended in Article 11.1.25 of the bylaws.

2. Article 24.1 of the party's revised bylaw stipulates that the Central Council will recruit and submit candidate members to the Organizing Committee of the General Assembly. Therefore, the number of candidates to be recommended and the criteria by which the candidates will be recruited should be submitted so that the necessary amendments can be made.

3. According to Article 25 of the party's amended bylaw, the organizing committee of the General Assembly will appoint an audit and constitution translation commission. Therefore, the number of candidates to be recommended and the criteria by which the candidates will be recruited should be submitted so that the necessary amendments can be made.

4. Article 15.1.5 of the party's revised by-laws stipulates that members of the executive committee who have not performed their duties properly will be presented to the executive committee as a representative of the executive and the committee will investigate and pass an administrative decision; On the other hand, Article 34.1 stipulates that charges brought against the executive will be examined by the National Disciplinary Committee established by the Central Council. This is contradictory and because it is not clear which party is the charge against the executive, the necessary amendment should be made.

Concerning the General Assembly

1. It is known that the party was expected to hold its General Assembly until June 25, 2022 as decided by the Board. However, the time limit has passed without the party holding the assembly according to the decision. Therefore, the party should inform the board immediately when it decides to hold its General Assembly.

2. To notify the Board in advance the agendas to be discussed by the general meeting.

3. To present the decisions of the party regarding the conditions of calling the members of the General Assembly of the party and to explain their operations so far.

4. The Board, in addition to the above, has decided that the party has to inform the Board its pre-meeting arrangements of the General Assembly.

National Election Board of Ethiopia

August 4, 2022

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