It is known that the National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) has held its 6th general election in most parts of the country, and in the Benishangul-Gumuz region, the Board has set a timetable for the elections. National Election Board of Ethiopia
The National Election Board of Ethiopia is authorized by Article 7 of Proclamation No. 11/33/2011 to establish constituencies and polling stations throughout the country. Click here to see the terms and conditions of the establishment of constituencies and polling stations as well as other subjects related to the powers and functions of constituencies and stations that is provided for in accordance with Article 14 of Proclamation No. 1162/2011.
Click here to read pertinent laws on the National Electoral Board’s Establishment Proclamation, Electoral Code of Conduct and other relevant laws. The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia is an institution established in accordance with the constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the new proclamation is cited as the “National Electoral Board of Ethiopia Establishment Proclamation No. 1133/2019”.
The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) is an independent organization established in accordance with Article 102 of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Since its establishment, the Board has organized different branch offices at both the federal and regional levels including the two administrative cities. The NEBE has conducted five national elections, two local elections, and six referendums.
Based on the decision of the court, the Board gave a chance to the mentioned parties to be heard. Though the parties used the opportunity they were given and presented their defense, they couldn’t still meet the requirement of submitting the signatures of at least 35 percent of its members. So, the Board proceeded with the decision that the parties can no longer continue with the registration process, and that they are annulled or dissolved based on Proclamation no. 1162/2019.

The National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE)
November 5, 2021