It is to be recalled that the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) has completed the recruitment of more than 140,000 potential election officials for the 6th General Election and is now working to ensure the consent, impartiality, and competence of the election officials.

Cognizant of the fact that, election officials are an integral part of the electoral process and that their work requires great attention. In this regard, with the aim to avoid shortage of manpower once the process begins, the Board believes that there is a need for additional manpower recruitment.

Accordingly, interested applicants:

- who want to serve your country neutrally as an election official

- with no party affiliation, and who have never worked at the lower levels of government

- who have never been involved in any previous election activities other than the Sidama referendum

- with a bachelor's degree or equivalent years of work experience

can apply only in the next four days till March 6 using the following form.

The duration of the work is 4 months, and the Board will provide daily allowances, security wherever needed, and any other requirements for the work.

The Board will issue experience certificate and letter of support.

National Electoral Board of Ethiopia


March 3, 2021 -- Expired