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For local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) requesting a new observation permit for the 2021 general election

It is to be recalled that the National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE), in accordance with the “Election, Political Parties Registration and Electoral Ethics Proclamation No. 1162/2019” and “Local Election Observation Licensing, Procedures and Ethics Directive No. 5/2020”, advertised for and recruited CSOs interested in participating as observers of the upcoming election and accredited 36 organizations.

In addition, CSOs that applied in the first round but were not selected appealed to the Board. The Board examined their appeal and decided to let the following nine local CSOs apply in the second round and have accredited them to observe the election. These CSOs are:

1. Society of Ethiopia - for Social Development

2. Alber Development and Cooperation Association

3. Digital Rogue Society Expert Group

4. Spring Social Problem Solving and Development Organization

5. Addis Ababa Youth Association

6. June 16 Symbol of Peace and Change Civic Association

7. Ethiopian Youth Federation

8. African Institute for Development and Conservation

9. Society for Eco Tourism and Bio Diversity Consortium

Meanwhile, various organizations have been submitting applications to the Board for new observer permits. However, as the time for the election draws to a close, it is difficult for the Board and the organizations to make the necessary preparations. Therefore, we respectfully announce that the Board has stopped accepting applications for observation permits from the date of this announcement!

National Election Board of Ethiopia

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