Voter registration has been completed in constituencies where it was delayed
The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia has completed the registration of voters for the 6th National Election, but it is known that the registration of late constituencies was underway. Voter registration in delayed constituencies has also been completed.
Accordingly, the followings are places where voter registration was completed on May 21, 2021
- West Welega Zone (except Begi and Segno Gebeya constituencies)
- East Welega Zone (except Ayana and Gelila constituencies)
- Kelem Welega Zone (except Gidam constituency)
- Horo Guduru Zone in 24 constituencies (except Alibo and Kombolcha constituencies)
- In addition, the registration process in Kamashi Zone of Benishangul-Gumuz region and the Dawa Chefe, Chefa Robit and Bati constituencies in the Oromo Special Zone of Amhara region were similarly completed.
Accordingly, voters’ register in these constituencies will be made public for the coming 10 days, until May 31, 2021, and no registration will be held after the deadline date. The process has already been described by the Board, and the following major steps will be included in the announcement of the voters` record.
- A person who is going to look at the voter register must present his/her voter registration card and his/her identity card or a witness who knows his/her identity.
- Voters are not allowed to touch, write, mark, or take photographs of the register, except to visualize or read and record the information they are looking for through the registrar. :
- Election observers, political parties, or private candidates and election officials may be present when the voter register is made available to the public.
- Recognized political party representatives, accredited media professionals, and observers can view the official record and monitor the process.
A registered voter may apply to the polling station for correction if she/he has a complaint regarding errors related to personal information, at the time the voter register is made public. The election official will review the documents and make correction in accordance with the law.