NEBE has accredited the International Republic Institute (IRI)/ National Democratic Institute (NDI) to observe the elections.
As per the Government of Ethiopia’s invitation to observe the sixth general elections, NEBE has issued accreditation to the joint International Republic Institute (IRI) and National Democratic Institute (NDI) observation mission.
The NEBE Management Board has issued the accreditation, after reaching an agreement with the joint mission after evaluating the joint mission’s methodology and accepting the mission’s adherence to Principles for International Election Observation and code of conduct for international observers. The NEBE Management Board and the observation mission has reached an agreement on the limited scope nature of the observation mission, as a result of the challenges posed by the global COVID-19 pandemic, and that limitation will be acknowledged in the final finding of the joint mission.
It is to be recalled that the NEBE has previously issued accreditation to 45 domestic observation groups.
National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE)
May 27, 2021