One of the preparations for the 6th national election by the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) is [completing the process of] recruiting, training and deploying election officials at all levels. Based on its commitment to ensure the credibility and impartiality of the process, which has been repeatedly called for by various parties in the past, the Board is ready to share with the political parties the first-round list of election officials at regional level. Accordingly, the parties are invited to come to the Board's headquarters to collect the list of election officials who have completed the first round of qualification test with a soft copy (Flash disk) and to crosscheck and forward their comments, if they have any, on the election officials’ neutrality. The Board will also share the list of the election officials in the next round and also calls on the parties to contribute to the credibility of the next election by examining the list of potential election officials in terms of impartiality.

National Electoral Board of Ethiopia

Call for Application
January 15, 2021-- Expired