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The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) gave a tour of the voter registration materials preparation

National Electoral Board of Ethiopia, on March 23, 2021, gave a tour to the media regarding the voter registration materials preparation. The purpose of the visit was to promote the overall operation taking place at the Board's temporary warehouse at Bole International Airport Cargo, Addis Ababa. The presentation was started by the head of the communication department of the board. She explained the overall readiness of the Board for voter registration, including logistics and logistics distribution planning.

The logistics activities of the warehouse related to voter registration were explained by the logistics and distribution expert of the board. The distributed boxes contain voter registration list for each polling station, stamps, stationery kits, minutes and report forms, tablets, face masks and sanitizers, posters designed for easy access to information for voters, and detailed information on grievance redressal. Following the expert's explanation, the packaging, classification, and distribution work in the warehouse was visited by the media.

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