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National Electoral Board Appoints Auditors To Investigate Assets Of Former EPRDF

June 6, 2012

According to Proclamation No. 1162/2011, the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) has decided to disband the EPRDF on January 20, 2012, and the three-party successor, the Prosperity Party, and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) will complete the distribution of assets within six months. It is to be recalled that the TPLF, which has three quarters (3/4) of its own legal status, decided to take one-fourth. In its decision, the parties appointed a joint property inspector to protect the rights of creditors and to ensure that the distribution of assets was carried out in accordance with the formula.

Prosperity Party, on the other hand, complained that the distribution of wealth was based on the number of members of each party and not on an equal basis. He was told that if he had any evidence or documentation, he could present it to the inquirer.

At the time of the decision to dissolve, the two parties failed to reach an agreement. Therefore, the Board decided that the Prosperity Party and the TPLF, in turn, should jointly audit each other's auditors. According to the letter, the selected companies will submit a joint work plan, timetable, location, conditions and working rules to the board. The full cost of the property verification process will be covered by the parties and the Board will regularly inform the public of the progress of the process.

National Electoral Board of Ethiopia

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